Quantum Chakras  

Spring Clean

Get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery and transformation! This holistic and integrative approach to detoxification and renewal will help you cleanse your body, mind, and spirit.

In this new spin on our popular Quantum Detoxes, we will clear and purify the seven main energy centers, the body and the bioenergetic field.

Week by week, we will explore an individual chakra and its associated organs, glands, frequencies and emotions. 

In this 9-week renewal, we will learn about and implement chakra nutrition: how to nourish the body and energy centers through:

  • Optimal foods, herbs & supplements for each energy center
  • Ideal movement & exercises
  • Specific Chakra meditations and energy clearings
  • Frequencies, sound healing and energy modalities

Spring Clean

As we evolve, so do our offerings and this one is going to be AMAZING!!

Quantum Chakra Detox focuses on clearing and purifying the 7 main energy centers of the body and the auric field. 

What sets this apart from other standard, conventional detoxes is the quantum approach that cleanses, purifies and revitalizes the physical, mental, emotional and energetic aspects of a person: our Chakras and subtle body layers.

Quantum Chakra Detox combines Andrea’s guidance and wisdom of all things body & mind- naturopathy & neuroscience, with Chad’s knowledge and experience of all things mind & soul- the non-physical, Shamanic and energy healing realms.

It bridges the gap between our earthly body and our ethereal soul, bringing more balance and harmony to the many subtle body layers.

The program includes:

💗 Weekly LIVE calls, Mondays at 7pm (Recorded and available for replay)

💗 Detailed Charka Nutrition - ways to nourish your body and energy centers 

✨💗 Weekly guided meditations & Shamanic clearing

💗 Access to TONS of content and resources in All Things Frequency Community Membership plus multiple live calls and offerings throughout the weekdays.

Some benefits of chakra balancing and renewal include:

Chakra healing

SO!! This program is for you if:

👉 You would like guidance and support in clearing of the body, mind and bioenergetic field. 

👉 You are keen to explore a more holistic, integrative, and energetic approach to cleansing & renewal.

👉 You are seeking a high vibe, open-minded, heart-centered community.

 🌱 Spring Clean, Quantum Chakra Detox is the internal reset and renewal that helps us discover our inherent, intuitive baseline, and learn to eat and live in harmony with who we are as a unified body and soul 🌱

💗 If any or ALL of this speaks to you, then we invite you to JOIN US 💗

It's going to be EPIC!! 

You will be a different version of yourself by the end of the 9 weeks. So your future self thanks you :)


Join us on this life-changing journey and discover the true power and healing potential of your Quantum Chakras!

All Things Frequency Membership